Entrepreneurship Summit 2021

Wie gibt man vielversprechenden Technologien den Schub, den sie brauchen, um den Weg für eine neue Ära der medizinischen Behandlung zu ebnen? In diesem Jahr widmet sich der CBES 2021 der Zukunft der Translationalen Innovation für die patientenfokussierte Medizin.

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the global healthcare sector is in the spotlight now more than ever before. Governments try their best to manage the crisis and to provide adequate healthcare for their populations. Despite the challenging nature of these times, we have witnessed amazing advances in the healthcare and life science innovation space.

This year, the Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit (CBES) will focus on how to give promising technologies the push they need to pave the way for a new era of medical treatment. On May 11, CBES 2021 will go digital and offer a sneak peek into the future of Translational Innovation for Patient-Centered Healthcare.


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Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung

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