VHS Pankow: Englisch B1+ – Bird-Watching in English: Moorlinse and Zick-Zack Graben

Englisch B1+ – Bird-Watching in English: Moorlinse and Zick-Zack Graben

Enjoy gentle guided walks to Berlin?s secret places and stimulating English conversation about birds appearance, habitat and habits.
Located just a short walk away from the train station, the Moorlinse is a small cicular lake. It is home to all the species of water and wading birds which occur in Berlin. Broad reed-beds prevent direct access to the water but an observation platform provides excellent viewing. The lake drains into the Zick-Zack Graben a ditch which forms part of the lower valley drainage system of the Panke River. Adjacent fields and woodland
provide diverse habitats for many bird species.
The distance will be 2-3 kilometres, bring sturdy shoes, binoculars and rainwear, if required. Meeting point is S-Bahnhof Buch.

Bring sturdy shoes, binoculars and rainwear, if required. Bitte beachten Sie die für die Volkshochschule geltenden Regeln zum Infektionsschutz in der Corona-Pandemie, unter anderem zum Mund-Nasen-Schutz, immer aktuell zu finden auf www.vhspankow.de. Außerdem empfehlen wir die Nutzung der Corona-Warn-App.

VHS Pankow, Kurs-Nr. Pa4241F

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